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Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams GOG Cheat Engine

Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams GOG Cheat Engine: A Guide for Gamers

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a platformer game that challenges you to switch between two contrasting worlds and abilities of the heroine, Giana. You can transform her sweet and innocent personality into a punky rebel, and vice versa, to overcome obstacles and enemies in your way. The game features stunning graphics, a dynamic soundtrack and a twisty storyline that will keep you hooked.

Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams GOG Cheat Engine

But what if you want to spice up your gameplay with some cheats? What if you want to have unlimited score, shield, jumps and dash? What if you want to unlock all secrets and achievements in the game? Well, there is a way to do that with Cheat Engine, a software that allows you to modify the memory of any game running on your PC.

How to Use Cheat Engine with Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on GOG

Cheat Engine is a free and open source tool that lets you scan and change values in the memory of any process on your computer. You can use it to hack games, create trainers, speed up or slow down games, and more. However, using Cheat Engine may also cause some glitches or crashes in the game, so use it at your own risk.

To use Cheat Engine with Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on GOG, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Download and install Cheat Engine from

  • Download and install Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams from

  • Launch the game and start a new game or load an existing one.

  • Launch Cheat Engine and click on the computer icon in the upper left corner.

  • Select the process "Giana_Sisters_Twisted_Dreams.exe" from the list and click on "Open".

  • Click on the "Memory View" button at the bottom of the window.

  • Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Auto Assemble".

  • A new window will open. Copy and paste the following code into it:

//Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord Cheat Table by Geri

//Tested with v1.1.2


aobscanmodule(INVINCIBILITY,Giana_Sisters_Twisted_Dreams.exe,F3 0F 11 8E 08 01 00 00)






mov [rsi+00000108],(float)1

jmp return


jmp newmem



aobscanmodule(UNLIMITED_JUMPS_AND_DASH,Giana_Sisters_Twisted_Dreams.exe,F3 0F 10 8E 0C 01 00 00 F3 0F 5C C1)






mov [rsi+0000010C],(float)1

jmp return


jmp newmem





db F3 0F 11 8E 08 01 00 00


db F3 0F 10 8E 0C 01 00 00




This code is based on the cheat table made by Geri for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord, which is an expansion pack for the original game. It will probably work with more versions of the game, but it is not guaranteed.

  • Click on "File" and select "Assign to current cheat table".

  • Click on "Yes" when asked to add this script to the cheat table.

  • A new entry will appear in the cheat table with two options: Invincibility and Unlimited Jumps and Dash.

  • Check the boxes next to these options to activate them.

  • Switch back to the game and enjoy your cheats!

Tips and Tricks for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams with Cheat Engine

Using Cheat Engine with Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams can make your gameplay more fun and easy, but it can also have some drawbacks. Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of your cheats:

  • Invincibility will make you immune to any damage from enemies or hazards. However, it will also prevent you from dying if you fall into a pit or out of bounds. This can cause you to get stuck in some levels or miss some secrets. To avoid this, you can disable Invincibility temporarily by unchecking the box in the cheat table.

  • Unlimited Jumps and Dash will let you jump and dash anytime in the air, even without touching any surface. This can help you reach high places or skip some parts of the levels. However, it can also make you lose control of your character or go too fast for some puzzles or platforms. To avoid this, you can disable Unlimited Jumps and Dash temporarily by unchecking the box in the cheat table.

  • Cheat Engine can also be used to modify other values in the game, such as your score, gems, time or achievements. To do this, you will need to scan for these values using Cheat Engine's features, such as Value Type, Scan Type or Comparison Type. You can find more information on how to use these features in Cheat Engine's tutorial or online guides.

  • Cheat Engine can also be used to create your own cheats or trainers for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams or any other game. To do this, you will need to learn how to use Cheat Engine's scripting language or tools, such as Auto Assembler or Lua Scripting. You can find more information on how to use these tools in Cheat Engine's help file or online forums.


Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a fun and challenging platformer game that lets you switch between two worlds and abilities of Giana. You can enhance your gameplay with some cheats using Cheat Engine, a software that allows you to modify the memory of any game running on your PC. However, using Cheat Engine may also cause some glitches or crashes in the game, so use it at your own risk.

If you want to learn more about Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams or Cheat Engine, you can visit these links:

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Official Website

  • Cheat Engine Official Website

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - FearLess Cheat Engine Forum

We hope this article was helpful for you. Happy gaming!

What is Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams?

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a sequel to the 1987 classic Giana Sisters, a game that was inspired by Super Mario Bros. The game follows the adventures of Giana, a girl who can enter a dream world where she can transform her personality and abilities. The game features two worlds: the Cute World and the Punk World, each with its own style and mechanics. Giana can switch between these worlds at any time, changing her appearance, skills and the environment around her.

The game has three modes: Adventure, Score Attack and Hardcore. Adventure mode is the main story mode, where Giana has to rescue her sister Maria from the clutches of the evil dragon Gurglewocky. Score Attack mode is a time trial mode, where Giana has to collect as many gems as possible in a limited time. Hardcore mode is a challenge mode, where Giana has to complete the levels without dying or using checkpoints.

The game also has an expansion pack called Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord, which adds seven new levels, a new boss, a new soundtrack and a new power-up: the owl. The owl can help Giana fly, carry objects or attack enemies.

Why Use Cheat Engine with Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams?

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a fun and challenging game that will test your skills and reflexes. However, some players may find some levels too hard or frustrating, or they may want to explore more of the game's secrets and features. That's where Cheat Engine comes in handy.

Cheat Engine is a software that allows you to modify the memory of any game running on your PC. You can use it to hack games, create trainers, speed up or slow down games, and more. With Cheat Engine, you can unlock cheats for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams that will make your gameplay more enjoyable and easy.

Some of the cheats that you can use with Cheat Engine are:

  • Score Multiplier: You can increase your score by 100 times, making it easier to get high scores and achievements.

  • Always Have Protection: You can have an invisible shield that protects you from any damage, making you invincible.

  • Unlimited Jumps and Dash: You can jump and dash anytime in the air, even without touching any surface, making you fly.

  • Unlock All Secrets: You can access all hidden areas and collectibles in the game, making you discover everything.

These cheats will make your gameplay more fun and easy, but they will also have some drawbacks. For example, they may cause some glitches or crashes in the game, or they may ruin the challenge and satisfaction of completing the game legitimately. Therefore, use them at your own risk.


Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a platformer game that lets you switch between two worlds and abilities of Giana. You can enhance your gameplay with some cheats using Cheat Engine, a software that allows you to modify the memory of any game running on your PC. However, using Cheat Engine may also cause some glitches or crashes in the game, so use it at your own risk.

If you want to learn more about Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams or Cheat Engine, you can visit these links:

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Official Website

  • Cheat Engine Official Website

  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - FearLess Cheat Engine Forum

We hope this article was helpful for you. Happy gaming! 6c859133af


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